Sunday, August 17, 2014

A Year.

It’s been a year. 

A year since our little was born. A year since our life was changed. A year since our world was rocked, a year since our perspective changed.

It’s been 20 months since dreams were re-arranged, since we had to re think our vision for life, since we learned that life does what it wants and we are all along for the ride.

It’s been a trying year. Little sleep. A lot of stress, worry and doubt. A lot of second-guessing, midnight googling, and tears.

It’s been a year of praying through midnight feedings, hoping for the best, and going with your gut.

It’s been an experience that cries for your soul to be humbled. It is an experience that calls out for the Lord daily.

It’s been a year of unexpected joy, laughed, and genuine happiness.

It’s been a year of the purest love that we have ever experienced. 

It’s been a roller coaster of emotions that I can’t even put into words. My heart cries for more, yet exhaustion yearns for a break. Your tank runs on empty, yet your heart has never been so full. 

It’s days that turn into weeks, weeks that turn into months, and months that amount to a year.

A year.

An entire year since we brought life into this world. We changed this world, and don’t take it lightly. Oh, Lord, the weight we bare when we parent. The prayers we pray. the hope we hope, the change we hope to change.

Late nights, early mornings, boxes of wine, and midnight snacks.

It’s crying and laughing all rolled into one. It’s emotions so strong you could burst, normalcy being un-normal. 

Its afternoon snuggles, early bedtimes, and lack of a good shower.

It’s been a year that flew by, yet went SO slow. It’s day after day of monotonous tasks, yet never knowing what to expect.

Each day we've grown, yet each day feel completely clueless. We've learned so much, yet know so little.

There are days you cant breath but at the same time, wouldn’t have it any other way. It’s the inward battle to stay content, keep on going, and do the best we know how even when it feels like you are failing.

It’s loads of cloth diapers, hours of pumping, weeks of meal planning.

It’s a year of stain removing, wiping down high chairs, playing during bath time, cooking with a baby hanging on your leg,  and working during nap time.

It’s been baby wearing to sleep, driving to calm, and oiling to heal.

It’s days that revolve around your boobs, nap schedules, and diaper changes.

Its Sunday’s without church because you’re standing in the hall, its bedtime stories, and swaddling to quiet.

Some days you yearn for the simplicity of your old life,  but could never imagine life without the human you created. Because this human, is a life changer. It makes you feel like you have never felt. It helps your bare the cross of Christ and realize what life is all about.

It’s been a year, I tell ya. With tears in my eyes, I will praise the Lord that created life, that gives us the strength to raise the next generation, gives us the passion and drive to persevere.

So, thus, we celebrate. We pin up balloons, bake cakes, and take pictures.  Because behind us lies a year of life, a beautiful life with a future unknown,

Glory to God that entrusted us with a year of a little precious boy, that we raise to praise him and bring glory to his kingdom. Let us not miss the mark on directing this human being.

Give us grace as we make mistakes, do our best, and humble ourselves.

It’s been a year friends, lets rejoice.

We are blessed, oh, so very blessed. <3 

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