Sunday, April 6, 2014

7 Month Update and Family Goals

Always has his tongue out right now! 

The day Ollie turned 7 months old…. Well, I was exhausted! He had not been sleeping well at all! I uploaded his 7-month photo with a text message to my mom as the description… oh dear… and when I tried to fix it the entire 7-month update went away. I then threw my phone across the room and quit for the day! :) Now that we have “caught up” on some sleep I will try and recap the last month and our adventures with our crazy, growing boy!

I am so in love with this age. He is becoming so content, very happy, and super active. I think now that he is really mobile, it has helped him become a happier baby. He does his version of a crawl (kind of like an army crawl) all around the house now. Nothing and no where is safe from a mobile baby! Oh, and if you think your floors are clean put a baby in a white onsie to roam the house… you’ll quickly find they are not clean. He is also doing planks and push ups? Who knows… I think he is trying to get buff for the ladies!

He tries to talk all the time. Today in church when the pastor would speak, Ollie would respond…. Oh dear… and he is into squealing super loud right now as well….

He does sign language with us sometimes. His favorite is “all done” and will a lot of times do it will us after dinner. We sign a lot so hopefully it pays off in a few months!

He eats like a grown man. I don’t think he would ever stop eating if it was up to him. He hasn’t refused a single food I have given him. It’s pretty awesome. I hope it is always like this! Fingers crossed.

He loves being outside still, going to the park and on walks. Sometimes we just go sit outside with the dogs and Ollie is perfectly content.

He loves Remi so so much. He also likes Remi’s dog bones…. No, I don’t want to talk about it… gross!

This month has flown by, every month I love more then the last and I didn’t even know that was possible. Seriously, being a mom is surprisingly the best job ever. I would be perfectly content doing this forever. It is such a blessing!

As a family this month, we have decided to work towards a few different goals. The first one is not saying “No” to Ollie as much. (Don’t freak out people, I am not talking about letting him do what ever) Now that he is mobile I already feel like that mom that walks around saying, “no, no, no, no, no” We are just trying to use more positive reinforcement instead of just saying no a lot. Like saying, lets do this instead of that. Stuff like that. It’s our job to create a safe environment for him to play and we shouldn’t have to say no to EVERYTHING. Plus, we want him to know when we do say no, we really mean it and not just ignore us because we say it too much. But, oh man, after making this decision to be more conscientious about when we say it, I swear we say it more! Lol! Oh well, it’s a goal, we wont be perfect.

Kombucha anyone?!

Our other goal is reducing media intake. During the day when it’s just Ollie and I, we don’t have the TV on. He just gets so sucked into it, and stops playing. So, in our home, while Ollie is awake we try and not have the TV on. Of course there will be exceptions, it’s just something we are working towards. Also, reducing when we have our phones out. We live in a world of constant media intake and it can impact relationships negatively. Ever try to talk to some one and they are just staring at their phone? It really sucks. I don’t want Ollie to think my phone is more important then him. I have been trying to only be on my phone when he is asleep. When he is awake I just think my children deserve my undivided attention. So, I leave my phone in the other room and go and play. Evenings when Dakota gets home we both try and have our phones put up so that it is family time. No TV, No Phones, just playing with baby and dinner as a family time. This time in life is so short! I don’t want to miss it because I am checking my facebook feed! I am also not going to remove myself from social media either. We have family and friends all over the US and I love staying in touch with them! These tools can be so great, and such a positive things! Once again, we are just trying to be conscientious about it!

So, those are our goals! Wish us luck! I think these little changes will have a positive influence on us!

Have a great week everyone! <3